
Tips for Caring Your Human Hair Extensions!

Every girl or women want to have a beautiful hair to look charming and attractive. Weft hair extensions are a great way to add volume to your hair or length. So why take bad care of them? Read this article to figure out how to keep your extensions in great care for a long time.

1. You should wash your hari weft extensions at maximum of 3 times a week, this will keep the moisture in from shampooing while at the same time not drying them out from over shampooing!

2. Deep condition once a week, carefully put your hair weft extensions minutes then rinse and let them dry naturally, using a blow dryer will damage them if used too much, if necessary put the dryer on a cool setting, almost as if it was wind!

3. If you use heat products on your hair extensions definitely use a heat protectant!

4. Of course this can seem a lot of care for just some extensions but think of it as because your hair weft extensions are not getting natural oils from your scalp to keep your hair in good condition.

  •  Try not adding a lot of chemicals on extensions! (this will decrease lasting)
  • Washing hair everyday will NOT help
  • Straightening hair a lot or everyday will make your hair look gross

